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Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts Everyone

Katy Ladner

A TED Talk Recommendation: A must-view, view again, and must-share presentation by Heather C. McGhee

Back in April, in the early stages of COVID stay-at-home orders, I carved out some “me time” to go on a walk on a sunny day – BY MYSELF – and listen to a podcast. I had no particular podcast in mind. So I browsed a bit before heading out the door. By chance I landed on the January 28th, 2020 episode of Sunstorm with Alicia Garza and Ai-jen Poo: Making Empathy Go Viral with Heather McGhee. The name and energy of the show as captured in the Stitcher thumbnail pulled me in first, the empathy-centric episode title locked me in, while the mention of biscuits in the episode summary finally caused my finger to press play.

Screenshot of podcast featuring Heather C. McGhee

For the next 30 minutes I found myself truly enamored with Heather McGhee, and also really enjoying the show’s hosts. In the opening moments of the show, Heather quoted Austin Powers (a personal favorite of mine) and taught listeners the meaning of the word “abstemious.” Smart with a fun sense of humor –yes, girl, yes. I was quickly all-in. As the show progressed, and the core topics of racism, inequality, empathy, and activism unfolded, Heather’s depth of experience, true brilliance, and ability to inspire both better listening and action became very evident to me. When the show concluded, I turned to social media to connect with her (hoping that someday she would run for an office for which I could help vote her in) and I found that we had a mutual friend. In fact, we had crossed paths more than a handful of times over the years.

It was through our mutual friend later that day that I learned of Heather’s other podcast plans, recent book release for The Sum of Us, and TED Talk from December 2019. With her TED Talk being ready for immediate consumption, I pulled up the recording and easily gave my full attention to Heather once again. And, once again, she did not disappoint in conveying important messages with ease, clarity, and inspiration.

Heather’s TED Talk is something we all need to hear, to really truly listen to, and use as a tool for some of the most important conversations we are having today.

In less than 15 minutes, Heather eloquently makes the case that racism makes our economy worse and breaks down our sense of not only community but humanity. She cites economic policies and social issues that clearly illustrate our country’s past and present inequalities but also causes reflection on how the privileged are also negatively affected by the very protection they receive and fight to keep. Her delivery is so compelling, genuine, and intelligent, I find it hard to believe anyone could resist hearing her message.

The genius of this TED Talk is that it combines education and emotion – in a very relatable voice – to empower and inspire us to question policies and ourselves. Do we understand the policies that we support, actively or by inaction? What do we need to rethink? What can we change? What can we do better? How much healing and progress are we thwarting by not continuing the conversation that Heather started for us so beautifully? I highly recommend you tune in for this TED Talk for 15 minutes well spent, and I urge you to take a few extra minutes to share it with your circle. It’s something you can do so easily to help counter the division that is hurting us all. As Heather says in her talk –

"Our fates are linked. It costs us so much to remain divided."

Heather C. McGhee is a public policy expert, advocate, speaker, and writer. She designs and promotes solutions to inequality in America, showing what individuals, governments, and the private sector can do to help the country live up to its ideals. Learn more, connect with Heather, and pre-order her new book here: Also be sure to watch the C-Span clip featuring Heather and Gary from North Carolina (referenced in the linked TED Talk).

(Photo credit: Heather McGhee)


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