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Laurnie Wilson on Seeing Yourself Clearly

The life-changing power of presence and clarity.

As part of The Relishers’ #ShareTheMicNow collection, we asked Laurnie Wilson for a message to share with our community, and also for her answers to how she saves and savors time. Laurnie is a storyteller, teacher, and practitioner of hypnotherapy, meditation, yoga, breath work, Ayurveda, and channeling. Learn more or connect with Laurnie on our Community page. Here’s what she had to share–

Photo of Larnie Wilson

From my perspective, seeing yourself clearly and appreciating who you are, are two of the most important things we can do in our lives. And one of the most exciting ways to do this (in my humble opinion) is through hypnotherapy. This technique allows us to understand what’s going on in the subconscious, what limiting beliefs might be holding us back, and what we need to be the most vibrant and authentic versions of ourselves. I’ve studied several healing modalities (yoga, Ayurveda and now hypnotherapy) and what I love about all of them is that they put the agency back in your hands.

Because when you realize just how capable you are, that’s when life can really expand.

How do I savor time?

By using all of my senses. Whenever we get our senses involved, it brings us out of our heads and into our bodies. This, in turn, allows us to be even more present with what’s going on around us. And when we’re present, we can more fully savor time.

To save time, I focus on what I can do, instead of what I can’t. I think sometimes when we’re worrying about the future or ruminating over the past, we do so because it makes us feel like we have some sort of control over the situation. But, in reality, we’re just spinning our wheels—and that’s not helping anyone! I’ve been practicing the mindset of –

“I’ll do my best, prepare what I can, and navigate what comes.”

Connect with me on my website, Instagram, or YouTube.


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