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Resources for Teaching Preschoolers about Inclusion and Diversity

Annmarie Ricciuti

In a previous article I shared some of my favorite picture books for teaching children about the importance of inclusion and acceptance. As I began to create a list to share, I quickly realized that there are far more resources than I could share in a single post. While that post focused on four authors that I recommend from personal life experience, I also wanted to share some titles that are worth a read for a preschool audience.

1. One Love by Cedella Marley

3. More, More, More said the Baby by Vera B. Williams 

4. Where Are You From by Yamile Saied Méndez

5. All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

6. The Family Book by Todd Parr

7. The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates

8. I’m NOT Just a Scribble by Diane Alber

9. Say Hello! By Rachel Isadora

10. Same, Same But Different by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw

Hopefully, this book list gives you a starting point for teaching little ones about of love and acceptance. If you're looking for additional resources, be sure to also check out my list of picture books on the same subject.



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